I love your word! As an Enneagram 9 harmony has always played a big role in my life, and I love knowing that creating and maintaining balance and harmony is your life purpose. What a wonderful purpose to have! My word this year is FEEL and now I am going to do your suggested exercise and examine it a bit more, thanks for that prompt. Wishing you lots of harmony, and joy and success for 2023, Lakeisha! xo

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Love that you’re going to dig into your word further. Would love to hear what you discover! 🧡

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Love Harmony - finding a word for 2023 felt hard to do. I've had one each year for a few years but last years word ended up feeling like it had done me dirty by the end of 2022. After completing Susannah's word exercise and then going back to it again a few days later I'm going with 'courage'. Courage in so many different veins. Thanks for sharing your word.

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