Yes I can relate to anxiety and identity crisis. I pulled all Swords and Tower a lot when I was in the thick of it....it was hard, but the tarot constantly reminded me that it is all in my head, so maybe I shouldn't think so much.... 🤗 what deck is the card in the middle?

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I’ve reached the same point, same conclusions for myself. It means that to write what I truly want to write, I need to create less content for social media. It’s scary to agree to that but I believe it’s the right path. I’m encouraged to see other writers and creators making similar choices.

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I didn't realize how many times I pulled those cards until I sat and read through my journals. I know some people think it's weird to go back and read your journal, but it's very helpful... and sometimes gut wrenching haha. I'm an Aquarius rising and am often very much in my head. Swords come out for me a lot too. The card in the middle is from the Starcodes Astro oracle. I love this deck and it's been helpful as I learn more about astrology.

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Yes, very scary. Especially with everyone shouting that if you're not promoting your stuff on social media, you're wasting your time. I'm not giving up on social media entirely... it's just no longer going to be my primary focus. I am also encouraged by the other writers doing this.

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This essay really resonates.. since February I have been feelinng behind, scattered, uncertain. I’m juggling writing projects. my own desire to post to substack, and an 8 hour job and ive been feeling stuck.. I admire your decision to be more intentional about how you show up for writing. Its so tough

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Oh man... feeling behind is something I am definitely grappling with and trying to move past. Sometimes I feel like everyone is so far ahead and I’m just getting started even though I’ve been on this journey for a while. I can relate.

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Firstly, I love the poem Lakeisha, thank you so much for sharing that! And secondly I resonate so much with everything you've written here, about figuring out who we are and what we want to do, about social media and long form writing, and about embracing our multitudes of interests. I'm looking forward to witnessing where this next chapter takes you xx

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You’re welcome! I’m pleased you enjoyed it! I don’t celebrate all eight sabbats per se, but I do like to mark the seasonal shifts. I’m looking forward to this next chapter too, even though I’m a bit scared. But I’m so tired of focusing and/or being told to focus on numbers and metrics. Creating content can be so overwhelming at times and take up a full day 😒 I’m slowing getting in the habit of “document, don’t create” so I ensure I get my work done and tend to myself first. Then if I feel like it, I can maybe make a reel and share.

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Hi! This totally resonated with me, as I've been feeling kind of similar lately, like I've put aside and almost lost that creative side of myself, and I'm trying to recover it. Social media does not help at all! There's so much pressure and so little attention. And from what I read in the comments, so many other people feel the same way. Hopefully this means we are turning the wheel into something more sustainable, creative, and community-oriented (perhaps we should go back to blogging as in pre-social media days?). Thank you for your time and for your words.

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I feel you! Social media does not help at all! I’ve been sharing what I’ve been working on later in the day, which has been feeling really good to me. And I love the idea of going back to blogging. I enjoyed sitting with a yummy drink and reading a blog post or two. It was so much calmer 🧡

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